When you open the digital twin of your asset in a Netilion digital service, you usually see a picture of the field device a couple of asset details that have been created automatically. In addition, you might want to individually add information or specifications which you want to keep attached to the asset. Some people call it a "custom field", others call it a "free-text field" but we call it a "specification" because it is used to further specify something about your asset. Or maybe you would even prefer to add information to a tag. Let’s have a look at how you can do it and what is the special benefit of this feature.
How do I add my own specifications to my assets or tags?
In your Netilion digital service you can open the digital twin of your field device – the “asset”. At the top of the asset page, you see the picture and some asset details like serial number, product name, manufacturer, etc. Now you want to add a specification for which there is no pre-set category. What you do is individually adding information.
This is how it works:
- Select the asset you would like to add individual specifications to.
Note: you can also directly add specifications when creating a new asset. - On the asset details page, select Edit.
- In the first content block you find the category Specifications.
- Enter the type of specification of your choice (e.g. “Last calibration”).
- Enter the specific value of your choice into the field Value (e.g. a date).
- If you need more than one entry, proceed in the same way in the next row that is created automatically. The specifications you typed previously were saved and you can pick them from a list now (or create new ones, which is always possible).
- If you need to delete an entry, click on the "bucket" symbol:
- Click "Save".
You will now see the specifications in the Asset Overview:
For re-editing or deleting the specification, proceed in the same way.
For adding specifications to a tag, proceed in the same way as described for an asset.
Why do I need the individual specification?
If you are wondering what is the benefit of adding your customized specifications to the asset or what are other user’s best practices, find some ideas here:
- You can add special time stamps or dates, e.g. calibration or maintenance dates.
- You can save technical data of the instrument, e.g. measuring range or operating temperature.
- You can add asset-related tasks that you are planning to do including the date you preview, e.g. check configuration.
- The Value is not limited to numbers only. You can also enter individual information, e.g. “yearly” as a value of “calibration interval”.
We hope you can make good use of the specification functionality. Enjoy the feature.